Sale terms & conditions;
Note, we have temporarily removed sale prices on many online products - this is literally to allow us time to catch up. We have been pretty overwhelmed by the response to the sale & have fallen behind.
You may still telephone / email to place a new order & the sale is still live.
If you have an enquiry relating to an existing order, please email - we are working through them in order & thankyou for your patience,
- Sale commences at 9.00am October 10th 2024
- The sale is available for products that are in stock only, that arrived in stock PRIOR to 1/9/24 - this web site does not feature live stock availability to check availability of a product & if it is included in the sale, please email; or call 01257 426129.
- For in store customers items not included in the sale will generally be identifiable with an orange ticket.
- Sale discount can not be used in conjunction with, or in addition to any existing special offers.
- Existing store credit / items already reserved / existing orders are not included in the sale.
- We may accept part exchanges, though this will be on a very limited basis.
- The seven day trial that we usually include with used goods will not be available during this period (you do still get our 3 month's repair warranty)
- All items will be on a first come, first served basis.
- The following products are not included in the sale; Bulk ammunition & other products which have quantity discounts already applied or items which are already on special offer.
- Services we offer are not included in the sale, for example gun repairs, storage, transfer fees, shipping fees etc.
- Gun storage, all guns in storage will need to be paid for & collected prior to 30-11-24
- We reserve the right to withdraw the sale at any point without notification.
- The above terms & conditions are in addition to our regular Terms & Conditions, which you can read by clicking here
Many customers have asked when our last day of business will be. We have not yet set an exact date - we will certainly be open until January 31st 2025 - if we are to remain open beyond then, we will update closer to the time.