Sako Centerfire rifles

 Sako have earned a superb name for offering superior quality rifles with up to the minute features. The popular Sako model 85 range is available in a choice of style configurations & calibers & then there is the awesome Sako TRG range of tactical rifles offering immense accuracy & performance, to complete this impressive line up of rifles is the new A7 model.

If you are unable to see the caliber / specification which you are looking for, please contact us & we will be happy to help.

We also supply a wide selection of GRS stocks to fot Sako rifles. Click here to view the range

Optilock bases

The standard Optilock™ base features an indexing
edge that makes it easier to tighten the ring without
any accidental rotation. All Optilock™ bases have
a brand new angular design to perfectly go along
with the beauty of the rifle itself.

Optilok HD QR Bases

Suitable for use with both standard optilock rings & HD Optilock rings. The Optilock HD (Heavy duty) rings feature a quick release lever.

Optilok rings - Blued

Optilock™  rings are offered in multiple different sizes. This allows for a multitude of different scope sizes and brands to be fitted onto Sako & Tikka rifles.

Optilok rings - Phosphated

Optilock™  rings are offered in multiple different sizes. This allows for a multitude of different scope sizes and brands to be fitted onto Sako & Tikka rifles.

Optilok rings - Stainless

Optilock™  rings are offered in multiple different sizes. This allows for a multitude of different scope sizes and brands to be fitted onto Sako & Tikka rifles.

Optilock HD QR Scope rings

HD - Heavy duty scope rings

Note: The HD rings are not suitable for use with the standard Optilock™ bases - to use these rings, you must purchase HD QR Bases.
The HD bases can be used with standard rings of any size.

Optilock HD QR Rings & bases

Optilock HD Rings, complete with HD QR Bases

Available to fit Tikka or Sako rifles